8 Big Benefits of a Cloud Phone System for Your Business

A simple Google search about business phone systems will bombard you with articles stating unequivocally that “the cloud” is the best phone system for your business. The trend is certainly moving in this direction, with an estimated 80% of IT budgets now being committed to the cloud, but that doesn’t mean it’s right for your specific needs.


The fact is that moving your phone system to the cloud can offer substantial benefits over traditional on-premise configurations; a fact that many vendors and resellers will stress in an effort to push you into it. Nevertheless, IT decisions as weighty as your phone solution should be evidence-based and grounded in what’s best for your individual business. Believe it or not, there are a number of reasons businesses aren’t better suited to the cloud, and several reasons why they are. The best place to start is with understanding the full benefits of the cloud.


The Benefits of Cloud-Based Phone Systems


As a reseller that partners with most major cloud and on-premise vendors, Gregg Communications is in a unique position to lay out the unvarnished facts about the biggest benefits to businesses from moving their phones to a cloud model (or hybrid). Here are the top 8:


1. Capital expense vs. operating expense

One of the top selling points for small businesses, or those operating without a lot of capital, is the financial model of the cloud. For on-premise models, the system hardware, handsets and software can amount to a large capital expense that companies look to spend one time every five to ten years. As additional seats are needed, handsets and support equipment need to be purchased. Conversely, the cloud is a pay-as-you-go model that is billed as a monthly operating cost. As new seats are needed, the monthly cost simply increases incrementally.


2. Quick setup time

In most cases, the onboarding time with a cloud phone solution is much shorter than an on-premise implementation. This is because the platform is already live and configured to host business. While it’s not quite “plug and play”, it is considerably less time consuming than building an on-premise system, where you have to purchase equipment, lay groundwork, configure each unit and install the software.


3. It’s scalable

Expanding your communications capacity quickly and affordably, to accommodate rapid growth and seize unexpected opportunities, is a dream for most small and mid-sized businesses. Other businesses like the ability to contract their phone solution as needed. For instance, accounting firms love the ability to add phone seats around tax deadlines and remove them when the temporary workers are no longer needed.


4. Better support of remote users

In a very real sense, your whole business is a remote user when you’re on the cloud. This makes it much easier to enable access for offsite and remote staff. You can also establish security and access settings to ensure this access is obtained without unnecessary risks. There are on-premise systems that can support remote workers, but these often require additional equipment and configuration.


5. Cables, circuits and switches, oh my!

Most business locations in Chicago are equipped to handle high data transfer speeds, but not all of the buildings can accommodate the bandwidth you might need to host your own phone system onsite. Many businesses are reluctant to assume the expense of laying new phone cables in rented spaces, making a cloud system a more desirable solution. It’s likely your internet cabling is more up-to-date than your phone wiring. We would be remiss to not point out, however, that in this situation you’ll need to make sure your internet bandwidth is adequate to support the phone.


6. Upkeep and maintenance

The decision point here is: do you want to employ technicians and outlay cash when upgrades and repairs are needed? Maintenance and upgrading are included when you opt for just about any cloud phone system. We should note that for Gregg Communications’ on-premise clients, support is available with any phone system.


7. Security and compliance

While compliance is a headache for certain industries, security is a concern for all businesses these days. Most cloud providers are uncompromising about security since they know a single breach can shut their doors permanently. For example, Mitel has integrated their system into Google data centers to establish a level of security that satisfies HIPAA and PCI requirements. On-premise phone security is not as readily available. It depends on the reseller and vendor to strategize the best security options for you and implement them. It’s often costly and less effective than a cloud system.


8. Access to new innovations

Cloud phone providers are always adding new functionality and features to their solutions. Because the software is hosted in the cloud, these new features are available to you as soon as they hit the market – without requiring you to purchase new versions. While some features come at an additional cost, they are much more accessible and the cost is often nominal, if there is one at all.


The Best Phone Solution for Your Business


The benefits of cloud-based phone systems are evident. However, moving to the cloud is a choice that depends on the needs and opportunities of your unique business.


The efficiency, functionality and cost savings of the cloud are generally going to be more apparent for larger business with multiple locations, especially where satellite locations are smaller and more dependent on the main office.


Moreover, an important question to consider is how much you want to engage in the back-end operations of your business. It’s a little like the question of an automatic vs. manual transmission. Some like the control of clutching and shifting, while others want to focus more on reaching the destination.


Making the Best Decision for Your Business


Gregg Communications supplies cloud and premise-based phone systems. We work with all the leading manufacturers to offer our clients the best phone solutions on the market. As a neutral third party, our primary goal is to connect our clients with the platform that best meets their needs and minimizes their costs, while offering expert guidance and care during purchase and implementation.


Consider the benefits of moving to the cloud, but then be sure to get an unbiased assessment of what will work best for your business. Reach out to us at (630-706-8222) or by email to talk to us about what phone solution would suit you best.