Gregg Grows with You – It’s All About the Fundamentals


For some of our team members, spring means the start of baseball season. That triggered a watercooler conversation about how communications technology has advanced the game during the 53 years that Gregg Communications has been serving our clients: radio, TV, live streaming and, soon, immersive 3D simulations, perhaps.

Despite the extraordinary advances in technology, the old saying about baseball remains just as true about doing good business: “It’s all about fundamentals.”

At Gregg Communications, we call the fundamentals e3. It means our clients experience excellence from experts on every interaction.

The Fundamentals of Good Business

When it comes to equipping our clients with the communications technology they need to collaborate effectively, serve customers and avoid problems, we believe the fundamentals are these:

1.    Develop unrivaled expertise across all facets of the technology.

2.    Learn your inner workings to determine the most cost-effective solutions for your specific needs.

3.    Customize each solution so you achieve maximum performance and lifespan.

4.    Maintain a pulse on industry changes to provide you with well-timed recommendations.

These are the guiding principles and actionable steps we practice at each and every interaction with our clients.

Expertise Across All Facets of Communication Technology

The technology that fuels today’s leading communications platforms can be divided into 3 categories: on-premise, cloud and hybrid. Knowing the benefits and challenges of each is the first step to selecting the most cost-effective solution for your business.

On-premise business communications

As the name suggests, on-premise solutions reside within the business’ physical location. You acquire an annual or lifetime software license, and you purchase the servers and other hardware that run it. “On-prem” was really the only option until about ten years ago, but it remains an effective approach for medium or larger businesses with one office. Moreover, on-premise solutions allow for the substantial personalization some businesses with unique workflows require.

Unified communications through the cloud

Cloud-based platforms have grown tremendously in recent years and are a strong option for any size business. It works a lot like a rental agreement where you pay a monthly fee for a specific range of services over a specified contract period. The benefits are numerous:

·         Avoid purchasing expensive hardware that can quickly become obsolete.

·         Easily scale types of services and number of users as your business grows.

·         Readily facilitate business travel and flexible workplace arrangements.

The cloud is often the most cost-effective approach for highly seasonal businesses like, for example, a Christmas supply wholesaler that might need to scale up contact centers and expand functionality during the later months of the year.

Create a hybrid to satisfy specific needs

Just like the Toyota Prius, hybrid communications systems use 2 models; on-premise and cloud, to deliver the best of each. Imagine, for example, a Chicago-based manufacturer that has developed a robust on-premise solution and now wants to hire field reps in other locations without investing in new office spaces and hardware. Likewise, you might have a Los Angeles-based staff that has the on-premise solution to do business in Wisconsin, but they find that Wisconsinite prospects are more receptive to a local cloud-based representative.

Experience Excellence from Experts

Whether it means purchasing on-premise hardware or signing a cloud-based service contract, we understand that selecting the right communications solution is intimidating. It helps to have the support and guidance of expert technologists. But that’s not enough to feel confident in your choice. You also need a partner like Gregg Communications that knows your business processes, workflow, staffing and future plans.

With deep knowledge of your company, we help you match the best solution to your specific needs. It’s the only way to feel confident you’re getting the right solution. It also lets us add enormous value by:

·         Developing personalized training so specific staff and departments effectively leverage key functionality as quickly as possible

·         Customizing the solution to your specific needs so you take advantage of every drop of performance for your money.

Whether you’re leaning toward on-prem, cloud or hybrid for your unified communications system, experience excellence from the experts at Gregg Communications. You get the very best technology delivered with all the right fundamentals.

Give us a call (630-706-8222) or email us and let’s get started.